番茄采收机 番茄收获机 番茄采摘机 番茄收割机 西红柿收获机 西红柿采摘机 西红柿采收机 随着番茄采收机匀速驶过,绿色的番茄秧和红彤彤的果实被机器一起收割,经过分选,番茄秧从采收机的尾部吐出,果实则被输送到一旁的车厢里。日前,新疆和静县的兵团二十二团30台番茄机一天共采摘番茄6000余吨,日工效相当于12000个劳动力。另外由中粮屯河乌苏番茄制品公司出资2686万元购买的17台意大利产自走式番茄采摘机今年落户乌苏,在番茄采摘旺季发挥了重要作用。自走式番茄采摘机可以一次完成剪秧、采摘、色选等多种工序的联合作业,每天可采摘番茄180吨,相当于50个人工的劳动强度。自走式番茄采摘机的引进降低了我市收获季节劳动力短缺的矛盾,并且与棉花采摘期**农时,大幅度的提高了我市番茄机械化收获水平和机械化作业程度。
2, for each equipment in second-hand agricultural machinery and second-hand construction machinery abroad before shipment needs detailed record of the number of hours of use, each machine kW HP and photographed for the domestic port for customs purposes.
3, second-hand grape sugarcane harvester imported note: mainly imports on export business enterprises open record and approval system in the online examination and approval - contact overseas CCIC inspection company do shipment inspection and quarantine certificate (mainly harm, test equipment on the environment on the personal safety of the rotating parts attached to safety signs etc.) - shipped to China the territorial customs port clearance and business procedures, customs clearance, delivery to the warehouse, the importer importer territorial inspection and quarantine inspection hall for inspection - the teacher go to the warehouse to do inspection from the importer - use.
4, the General Administration of Customs issued "on the amendment to the People's Republic of China customs import and export goods declaration in specification announcement on March 24, 2016 (" announcement of the General Administration of Customs No. twentieth in 2016), the original "People's Republic of China customs import and export goods declaration in standard" revised reporting behavior designed to regulate the import and export goods, unified import and export declarations filled requirements. This revision mainly adjust the export declaration number limit declaration section names, on the part of, the new "special relationship," confirmed "price confirmation", "pay royalties confirmation" to declare the project, reflects the new requirements of Chinese customs import and export goods declaration and supervision, can not fill in error in the process of cutting declaration declaration second-hand equipment, or will affect the reporting schedule generation demurrage charges, it is recommended to find a professional agency to operate the second-hand equipment import, do a professional company operating professional things, welcomed the consultation and negotiation.
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