一:生蚝(牡蛎)进口报关报检流程及注意事项:关于《检验检疫许可证》从到港口岸商检申请初审考核,申请许可证,到终国家批复下来,大概时间为一个月。申请下来以后,证书有效期为半年。这半年内,可以多次使用。商检采取每次核销的方法记录剩余吨数。 半年以后,不管证书还有没有剩余吨数,都要重新申请。
Oysters (oysters) import customs clearance processes and precautions: on the "inspection and Quarantine Permit" from the port inspection application for preliminary examination, apply for a license, to end the state approved down, probably time for a month. After the application, the certificate is valid for six months. Within six months, can be used repeatedly. Take each verification record inspection method of surplus tonnage. Half a year later, no matter there is no surplus tonnage certificate, re application.
From abroad, the date of delivery, you start preparing documents: such as fresh products (live fish, crab, shrimp and other aquatic products, live or frozen fruit, vegetable breeding salmon), please advance to the Quarantine Bureau for "animal and plant quarantine permit", chilled or frozen fish and crab shrimp and other aquatic products do not need to "animal and plant quarantine permit".
Other required documents issued by foreign official quarantine certificate, certificate of origin /, contract, /P, packing list, air waybill.
Three: the documents to the custom brokers company in advance (for a port of Customs for goods), landing before it can be started in advance of fresh inspection work, two hours after the plane landed, change the original waybill and the attached documents for customs clearance and quarantine, customs declaration, customs, fresh products are good, if you do not check the customs inspection release - delivery inspection department from testing required samples to quarantine, then your goods can formally put away
Four: import and foreign trade terms for live seafood aging high requirements of foreign suppliers familiar with local policies for export and convenient air transport, proposed a CIF trade terms, so that foreign suppliers directly responsible for delivery to the domestic airport, the original data and the goods arrive together, if you have any questions you can inquire.
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