中国工业机器人产业起步相对较晚,在装机数量和机器人密度方面与成熟市场还有较大差距。根据国际机器人联合会数据,2011年,中国工业机器人装机数量为74867台,机器人密度为每1万名产业工人21台,都远远低于成熟市场水平,中国工业机器人的应用仍较集中于汽车行业,根据国际机器人联合会2012年报告,在**范围内汽车行业应用约占工业机器人应用总量的40%,而在中国这一数字要更高一些。此外,即便是在汽车行业,中国市场的工业机器人应用也仍然集中于关键工艺,中国每万名汽车产业工人中所拥有的机器人台数为141台,而日本为1584台,意大利为1215 台,德国为1176,这和世界发达水平相比还有很大差距。打磨机器人、焊接机器人、点焊机器人、弧焊机器人、搬运机器人、码垛机器人等机器人还是以国外品牌居多主要进口来自德国、日本、瑞士、意大利、美国、韩国等
China's industrial robot industry started relatively late, there is a big gap in the number of installed and robot density and mature markets. According to the International Federation of robotics data, 2011, Chinese industrial robots installed number 74867, the robot density for each of the 10 thousand industrial workers of 21 units, far below the level of the mature market, China application of industrial robots are still concentrated in the automotive industry, according to the International Machine Association 2012 report, in the global scope of the car the application of industry accounts for about 40% of total industrial robot applications, and in Chinese this figure is much higher. In addition, even in the automotive industry, the application of industrial robot China market also remains focused on the key technology, have per 10000 workers in the automobile industry Chinese robot units for 141 units, and 1584 units in Japan, 1215 in Italy, 1176 in Germany, and the world level there is a big gap between the. Polishing robot, welding robot, welding robot, welding robot, robot, palletizing robot robot or to foreign brands are mainly imported from Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, United States, South Korea, etc.
1:如进口商需要进口多功能工业机器人,HS code:8479501000,关税0,海关*将HS Code 归为机器人手臂(8428909090,关税5%)不过海关通常根据你实际的用途提出质疑,如果机器人进口主要用于焊接,海关很可能要求归到焊接机器里面,除了交10%的关税,还需要3C因此在进口的过程中需要找专业的代理公司办理进口操作事宜。
1: if the importer needs to import industrial robots, multi function HS code:8479501000, tariff 0, customs will easily HS Code of the robot arm (8428909090, 5% customs tariffs) but usually according to use your actual question, if the import is mainly used for welding robot, it may be required to return to the customs tariff welding machine inside, in addition to pay 10% also, need 3C so you need to find a professional agency for import operation in the process of import.
2: according to the different types of robot not only import customs vary, the customs supervision conditions are not the same, some kinds of robot is affected by the import license regulation, O card electromechanical card, which is usually known as such as arc (including plasma arc) welding robot, the resistance welding robot in him before the need to import for import license, so importers information to confirm the type and encoding robot in the import import needs, our check to apply what data import.
3: General second-hand robot import process, imported before the opening of the filing system, information input system related import robot for approval, after the completion of foreign suppliers according to national address contact foreign CCIC inspection company for import inspection and quarantine certificates, according to import robot type queries whether there is a need for the import of Mechanical and electrical certificate, customs clearance and delivery to the delivery port of domestic importers.
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