

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 上海市 浦东新区 金桥镇 三桥村 张杨路3611号6座9楼
  • 姓名: 梁全成
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:商务服务 货运公司/代理
  • 发布日期:2024-04-19
  • 阅读量:431
  • 价格:99999.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:大连二手水稻收割机进口清关代理公司
  • 产品数量:99999.00 台
  • 包装说明:大连二手水稻收割机进口清关代理公司
  • 发货地址:上海浦东金桥三桥村  
  • 关键词:大连二手水稻收割机进口清关代理,二手水稻收割机进口清关公司,大连二手水稻收割机进口清关,二手水稻收割机进口清关代理,二手水稻收割机进口代理公司,大连清关代理公司


    , the first step should be to determine the customs code (hs code) of the imported equipment, because only to get the accurate customs code, to determine the supervision of the imported equipment conditions, namely to determine the automatic import license is the national ministry of commerce for examination and approval, examination and approval by the ministry of commerce or province or place.
    The second step, the next thing to do, is to prepare material and start the import of used equipment inspection record. This action is to be in the import and export for the port inspection and quarantine bureau, because need more information (packing list, trade contracts, registration application, equipment, equipment function of Chinese instruction, etc.), so to examination of documents from its registration certificate, need 15 working days.
    The third step, for shipment by sea to China from abroad port at least need seven days, so check in Hong Kong (before shipment of used mechanical and electrical products to be imported, inspection and quarantine) to forecast, so add the above commodity inspection for the record, and the foreign export shipping was almost so arrange export shipping abroad there is forecast in the check and the inspection record on the Chinese side and was conducted at the same time, this time cohesion is more compact, it won't waste too much time, ark to Hong Kong, pick up the goods immediately to the Hong Kong company depot in the check, we arrange the inspection company personnel do order field. Can avoid terminal produce too much cost, save the logistics cost.
    The fourth step, and then, after the goods arrived in Hong Kong terminal according to the pier in single, provide, inspection company in the actual order. Here is not too strict in the check, as long as the goods is not rusty, can be through, smoothly to get the inspection certificate. Also to note, however, is the nameplate of the goods, the security identity to clear, accurate. There needs to be 2-3 days.
    In the fifth step, after completion of inspection, cargo staging our Hong Kong warehouse, and then to the national or provincial department of commerce, please review for automatic import license (approval), here need 20 working days.
    , after step 6, permits get is booked to the ship company, rent tank. According to the discharge port of Hong Kong -- - barge inland port. Need 3 to 4 days here. For old equipment, suggest barge into small inland port, because of the small ports, flexible, encounter emergencies, good control, dash forward show here local advantages, and the strength of the import and export agent company.
    After step 7, goods to inland wharf, submit to the port commodity inspection bureau inspection data, the commodity inspection bureau staff to send people to the dock, open ark to check goods. Note: this is the easiest of all links appear problem, because the inspection is a person, not a machine, so any small problem, can be an excuse for the inspection of commodity inspection personnel, here it is clear that the need to dot, OK customs form is received. There needs to be 3-4 working days.
    Step 8, get a customs form, can make customs declaration, customs clearance action, from the customs document examination, appraisal, if it is not unexpected, customs declaration this link need 4 working days, you can out tax returns, tax, customs.
    1. Clinch a deal the price of imported goods to the examination and approval of the customs on the basis of C.I.F. price as the customs value. The customs examination failed to identify its clinch a deal the price, it should be the same of the exporting country or region of the goods purchased the basis of the same or similar goods clinch a deal the price; Again failed to identify, should be in the same or similar imported goods wholesale prices in the domestic market, minus the import tariff and import link tax and other imports of transportation, warehousing, operating expenses and profits for the customs value.
    2. For some special import goods, such as for repair of mechanical equipment, transportation tools, or other goods, when persons have to report to the customs and the customs out within the prescribed period of time, should with the customs examination and repair and shipping fee to the customs value; On the goods shipped overseas processing, exit when have to report to the customs and shipped back into the country within a prescribed period of time when the goods should be processed into cif price and the original outbound goods or the same or similar goods in the C.I.F. price when entering the difference between the, as the customs value; For rental, including loan import goods, to the examination and approval of the customs of the rent as the customs value of the goods.
    3. The declaration by the customs for import and export prices have doubt the authenticity, integrity, need further explanation, import and export customs will be issued "the price question notice" and to import and export, notify the suspects are explained. Import and export shall provide "the price question notice" required to supplement the information provided, truthfully fill in the declaration of "price", cooperate with the customs for personnel to determine the taxable goods actual state and the customs value of the work. If import and export of explanation is still can't remove the doubts of the customs, or within the time limit does not provide the required documents to the customs information, customs will be issued "notice" price negotiations and to import and export, ask its taxable goods with the customs of the customs value determined. Consultations shall be prepared before the sufficient data, such as: English business correspondence, price on similar products of the same information, import and export of goods in detail, the production cost, the buyer and the seller of the background information, such as domestic sales and account books.
    4. If the old machine imported second-hand equipment such as audit, when import customs audit on prices according to your bottom line price, to declare a reference in the same port with similar type or class 3 years equipment, more than 60% of the new machine import 
    Due to the import of used generators will involve the health, safety, health and environmental problems, such as, for our country to the import of old generating set strict system of examination and approval administration and inspection and quarantine. The implementation regulations of the law of the People's Republic of China on import and export commodity inspection article 53 regulation: importing country not allow imports of used mechanical and electronic products for the record, or not before shipment inspection in accordance with the relevant provisions, shall be returned goods; If the circumstances are serious, concurrently impose a fine of less than RMB 1 million by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution.
    Relevant information from the Internet, recently in nanjing by the port inspection, inspection and quarantine law enforcement officers found that nanjing company imported from Italy a combination of second-hand equipment to fill new old. Closer inspection by the relevant experts found that the value of $150000 this set of equipment have obvious wear, traces of oil and used for a long time. Given the number of the prior used mechanical and electronic equipment put on record formalities, and did not make an accurate declaration, law enforcement officers on the spot for this batch of goods storage, and will be fined according to the relevant laws and regulations and return processing.
    Above is a general description of old equipment import, if you have any other questions, please call me, as long as you provide specific equipment name, hs code, a few sets of equipment, how the container, how much value, equipment condition, enterprises have import and export rights, now where goods and other related information, I can give you to make the import plan, welcome to inquire to negotiate.
    欢迎咨询:梁全成:                     直线:021-60893467
    邮箱:1139436532@                           q q:1139-4365-32

    欢迎来到万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市浦东新区金桥镇张杨路3611号6座9楼,老板是黎志锋。 主要经营万享国际物流供应链--专业代理二手机械设备进口报关,二手生产线进口报关,二手机器人进口报关,食品进口报关,汽车进口报关,海鲜进口报关,进口机械设备清关机械,机器,二手设备,模具,机床,车床,加工中心,CNC,纺织设备,流水线,生产线,不作价设备,化工,油漆,涂料,家具,木材灯饰各种类食品等进口运输报关报检全套手续。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 你有什么需要?我们都可以帮你一一解决!我们公司主要的特色服务是:二手机械设备进口报关,二手生产线进口报关,海鲜进口报关,汽车进口报关,食品进口报关,二手机器人进口报关等,“诚信”是我们立足之本,“创新”是我们生存之源,“便捷”是我们努力的方向,用户的满意是我们较大的收益、用户的信赖是我们较大的成果。