

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 上海市 浦东新区 金桥镇 三桥村 张杨路3611号6座9楼
  • 姓名: 梁全成
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:商务服务 其他商务服务
  • 发布日期:2024-04-19
  • 阅读量:487
  • 价格:99999.00 元/吨 起
  • 产品规格:生蚝进口机场清关代理公司
  • 产品数量:99999.00 吨
  • 包装说明:生蚝进口机场清关代理公司
  • 发货地址:上海浦东金桥三桥村  
  • 关键词:?生蚝进口机场清关代理公司?,?生蚝进口清关代理,?生蚝进口代理公司,?生蚝进口清关代理公司?,?生蚝进口清关公司,?生蚝清关代理




    The State Administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine and the Ministry of Health jointly issued a circular: import and export fresh, frozen poultry products in the implementation of the new national standard - GB16869 - 2000 "fresh, frozen poultry products". This standard is suitable for the health of live poultry slaughtering and processing of fresh and frozen poultry products, where domestic production or imported fresh and frozen poultry products, its technical requirements, test methods, marking, packaging and storage must meet the standard. At the same time, the abolition of GB27101996 "fresh (frozen)," bird "sanitary standard GB/T168961997 segmentation of fresh (frozen) health standards" and "bird GBT168961997 segmentation fresh (frozen) merger, the revised version of" two standard chicken.





    One: its main technical differences in the following three aspects:

    1.GB/T16896 - 1997 in the sensory requirements and physical and chemical indicators are divided into one, two, no grade revision.

    2 t-vbn uniform adjustment of not more than 20mg/100g.

    3 increase does not provide GB2710 - 1996 and GB/T16896 - 1997 two GB of clenbuterol hydrochloride, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and microorganisms (total bacteria, coliform, Salmonella, Escherichia coli.) 19 limit standard.


    Two: the first confirmation of live seafood enterprises in the import and export business qualification problem ahead, the business scope of the enterprise has no right to import and export of edible agricultural products, etc., in the import port and the opening of the Commodity Inspection Bureau for the record submitted itownet imported goods information for animal and plant inspection and quarantine permit.


    Three: determine whether access to the national product import, frozen seafood is a general access list query but there is no access to the list of live seafood can confirm whether the access, in the import commodity inspection or need to contact our confirm whether access to the airport, in order to protect the goods can not be returned by the customs clearance.


    Four: import and foreign trade terms for live seafood aging high requirements of foreign suppliers familiar with local policies for export and convenient air transport, proposed a CIF trade terms, so that foreign suppliers directly responsible for delivery to the domestic airport, the original data and the goods arrive together, if you have any questions you can inquire.

    欢迎咨询:梁           直 线:021-60893467

    箱:1139436532@                   q  q1139436532


    欢迎来到万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市浦东新区金桥镇张杨路3611号6座9楼,老板是黎志锋。 主要经营万享国际物流供应链--专业代理二手机械设备进口报关,二手生产线进口报关,二手机器人进口报关,食品进口报关,汽车进口报关,海鲜进口报关,进口机械设备清关机械,机器,二手设备,模具,机床,车床,加工中心,CNC,纺织设备,流水线,生产线,不作价设备,化工,油漆,涂料,家具,木材灯饰各种类食品等进口运输报关报检全套手续。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 你有什么需要?我们都可以帮你一一解决!我们公司主要的特色服务是:二手机械设备进口报关,二手生产线进口报关,海鲜进口报关,汽车进口报关,食品进口报关,二手机器人进口报关等,“诚信”是我们立足之本,“创新”是我们生存之源,“便捷”是我们努力的方向,用户的满意是我们较大的收益、用户的信赖是我们较大的成果。