在这个看颜值的时代,购买化妆品成了女性朋友的一个重要消费项目,特别是进口化妆品越来越受追捧。 近日从国家质检总局网站了解到,2016年,我国各口岸共查获不合格进境日用品、化妆品235批次,产品来自美国、法国、西班牙、澳大利亚、韩国、日本、中国闽台等十余个国家及地区,其中近三成来自日本和韩国。妮塔莉、花王、珂芙缦、丝诺娜斯、欧丹莉等多个**品牌**。不合格名单显示,2016年未予准入的不合格化妆品涉及洗面奶、乳液、面霜、眼霜、唇膏、牙膏、皂等多个品类,不合格项包括菌落总数**标、霉菌**标、含禁用物质、**过保质期、获证不符、标签不合格、包装不合格等。万享供应链专业化妆品,香皂、沐浴露等进口报关清关及资料审核,进口前有专业审单团队审核资料规避相关进口风险,为进口商节约因产品或是标签不合规产生的退运及销毁风险,欢迎来电咨询洽谈。
1, imported cosmetics should be marked with the approval of imported cosmetics hygiene license number, production license, the implementation of standards and the dealer, the agent's name, address. Imported cosmetics must be labeled with the Ministry of health, "Wei makeup into the word" or "Wei makeup into the word" number. After the inspection of imported cosmetics by the relevant testing departments, will be affixed to the inspection and Quarantine "CIQ" logo label. Consumers in the purchase of imported cosmetics, should pay attention to check the label.
2, in the purchase of goods, pay attention to check the production date and shelf life. Imported cosmetics should be printed on the packaging of the Chinese name of the product, the product should also be equipped with Chinese instructions. In the special purpose cosmetics (hair dye, perm, hair, hair removal, deodorant, freckle, sunscreen, etc.) on the product packaging should have a special kind of cosmetics.
3, in the purchase of imported cosmetics, to choose the legal management of the store and timely access to shopping invoices and related documents.
1. 手工皂并不是大家以为的可以按照日用品来进口,而是按照化妆品进口的,需要做企业备案和标签备案的。
1 handmade soap is not what we think can be imported in accordance with daily necessities, but in accordance with the import of cosmetics, companies need to do the filing and labeling of the record.
2. 手工皂进口必须加贴符合中国标准的中文标签,标签上面不得体现美白、祛痘等特殊功效,有这些功效的就需要有化妆品批文之后才能进口。
2 handmade soap imports must be affixed with the Chinese standard Chinese label, the label does not reflect the whitening, acne and other special effects, these effects need to be imported after the approval of cosmetics.
3, soap, mouthwash, toothpaste and other products I Division according to the Chinese label information, a reasonable way to circumvent the approval of the application process in Beijing, thus simplifying the import of such products and fees.
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