Size, declared value, original price information (invoice), the declaration of the year, the function, the name, nameplate, nameplate, model, size, origin, brand, color pictures (photos, overall machine photos), country and port of departure, single cargo weight, Use, the main structure and function, working principle, the main technical indicators, production year, new and old, with or without wooden packaging (if necessary to provide proof of fumigation), receiving shipping company business license, foreign inspection reception staff contact, trade A copy of the contract
1) 口岸的监管部门查验货品,分为商检查货和海关查货。查货的要求,货主、报检员和报关员、监管部门的科员,同时在场。货主,必须派一位相关熟识所进口货物功能性能的技术员到场,以满足监管部门在查验过程中的技术提问。
1) the port of the regulatory authorities to check the goods, divided into commodity inspection and customs inspection cargo. Check cargo requirements, the owner, inspection staff and customs declaration, the supervision department staff, while the presence. The owner must send a relevant knowledge of the functions of imported goods, the performance of technicians to meet the regulatory authorities in the inspection process of technical questions.
2) 进口机电,尤其是进口二手机电,在货主心里,要求安全,快读,手续接近标准化。首先,通常来说,安全性是没有问题的,因为进口货物在放行前,一直在海关监管下的码头摆放着,货物没有经过人手,一直摆放在集装箱里。而码头的装卸,也是标准化的常常规性作业。我认为,进口速度,应该是货主的Z大梭,毕竟,货畅其流,可以加快投入使用或加速贸易资金周转。这个也是检验进口代理供应商的服务指标之一。
3) 选择进口代理服务公司的时候,当然,要咨询其能否代垫码头、仓储等小费用等客观操作情况,别看这些小环节,有时候却能为货主节省人力物力,欢迎来电咨询洽谈。
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