(一)书面申请。书面申请应用打印机打印(进出口个人拥有所有权的**动植物种标本的情况除外),包含申请涉及的所有实质性内容并注明日期;单位申请的须加盖单位印章,个人申请的须有本人签名。Written application. A written application shall be printed by a printer (except in the case of imported or exported specimens of wild fauna and flora of which the individual is the owner) and shall contain all the material content of the application and shall be dated; An application made by an entity shall be stamped with the seal of the entity, and an application made by an individual shall have his signature.
Application form for Permit Import and Export Certificate. The application form shall be printed by printer (except for specimens of wild fauna and flora owned by individuals) and shall be based on international standard units of measurement. An application made by an entity shall have its official seal affixed, and an application made by an individual shall have his signature; For specimens containing wild fauna and flora, the net content of the monitored species should be indicated.