*二条 经海关批准,暂时进出关境并且在规定的期限内复运出境、进境的货物适用本办法。
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law) and other related laws and administrative regulations for the purpose of regulating Customs control over temporarily imported and exported goods.
Article 2 These Measures apply to goods that, with the approval of Customs, are temporarily imported or exported and, within the prescribed time limit, re-exported or re-imported.
*三条 本办法所称暂时进出境货物包括:
Article 3 The term “temporarily imported and exported goods” in these Measures refers to:
(1) Goods for display or use at exhibitions, trade fairs, meetings or similar events;
(2) Items to be used for performance or competition in cultural activities or sports events;
(3) Instruments, equipment or articles for use in news coverage, film shooting or TV programming;
(4) Instruments, equipment or articles for use in scientific research, pedagogy or medical services;
(5) Means of transport and special-purpose vehicles for functions specified in Items (1) to (4) of this Article;
(6) Samples of goods;
(7) Instruments, equipment or articles for use in charitable events;
(8) Instruments or tools for purposes of installation, adjustment, testing and maintenance of equipment;
(9) Containers of goods;
(10) Means of transport and supplies for self-drive traveling purpose;
(11) Equipment, instruments or articles for use in engineering and construction projects; and
(12) Other goods temporarily imported or exported as permitted by Customs.
Goods temporarily imported under ATA Carnets for the Temporary Admission of Goods (hereinafter referred to as ATA carnets) shall be limited to the goods as specified in the international conventions on temporary admission of goods to which the People's Republic of China is a contracting party.